6 Magical ways through Multilingual Reading!

Uncategorized By Nicole Bianco
Multilingual Reading

Multilingual Reading: Embarking on the enchanting story of language acquisition.

This isn’t just applicable to children; learners of all ages benefit from the profound impact of a supportive atmosphere, enhancing the absorption and internalization of new information.

Beyond the linguistic perks, reading with your child creates a profound connection between you and your little one. As a parent or caregiver, you play a crucial role in shaping a learning environment that encourages exploration and discovery.

Our entire method is based on the fact that learning happens along side  meaningful connections.

Think of reading as the magic formula for language learning. Immersing yourself in captivating content in the language you want to acquire naturally enhances your vocabulary and grammar. It’s not merely about the words on the page; it’s about the shared experience of exploration and discovery.

A Personal Journey in multilingual reading adventures:

Allow me to share my own experience as an American living in Quebec, successfully raising bilingual children. The seamless integration of French and English into their lives, thanks to family members speaking both languages, created a rich linguistic tapestry.

Reading together became more than a language acquisition tool; it evolved into a cherished bonding ritual, leaving lasting impressions on our collective memories.

Transferable Literacy Skills:

The literacy skills developed in childhood are versatile tools that extend beyond a single language. They serve as a bridge between existing skills and the excitement of linguistic exploration, facilitating proficiency and comfort in a new language.

Check out these Practical Tips for Multilingual Reading: Do you already do this at home with your child?

  1. Read Interesting Content:
    • Choose captivating material to sustain interest and facilitate effective language absorption.
  2. Visual Learning with Pictures:
    • Enrich books with visuals to enhance comprehension and make the learning process enjoyable.
  3. Problem-Solving Narratives:
    • Select books centered around problem-solving, using numerical concepts as excellent starting points for language learning.
  4. Harness Online Resources:
    • Leverage digital tools to complement your reading journey, providing interactive and dynamic learning experiences.
  5. Recognize Similarities:
    • Uncover linguistic bridges between your native language and the one you’re learning, discovering numerous cognates and similarities that expedite the learning process.
  6. Decoding Language Patterns:
    • Visually engage with a new language to observe and decode its patterns, providing a structured framework for understanding.

At  our English immersion Summer Camp 

Imagine a summer camp infused with the spirit of multilingual reading adventures. Campers engage in storytelling sessions, exploring tales in various languages, fostering camaraderie and broadening their linguistic horizons.

Visual arts and crafts sessions become vibrant canvases for cultural exploration, intertwining language learning with creativity.

Problem-solving activities and team challenges serve as dynamic platforms for applying language skills in real-world scenarios.

Multilingual reading extends to both our discovery based activities and our movement based learning activities. Children are encouraged to find rich ways to interpret their environment. Along side an animator that is trained in gestural displays of learning kid will ultimately succeed in our  immersive summer camp environment.

The magic of multilingual reading extends beyond books; it becomes a living, breathing experience that transcends cultural and linguistic boundaries. Campers not only acquire language skills but also forge lasting connections, celebrating the richness of diversity and the joy of shared exploration.

Happy camp adventures!

Check out our local services and find a English Immersion Summer Camp near you. Or if you prefer learning from home we have a rich online platform that provides theme based learning with rich interactive contents. Classes range from private classes of 20, 30, 45 and 60 min to small group sessions.

We also now now have an unlimited membership that you can join and have access to language learning everyday!




Child listening to a teacher on a screen
Happy teenager