Online Safety for Kids

Online Safety 101
We live in the digital age we need to be well versed in online safety for Kids. Children are tech-savvy and web-savvy. The Internet is a go-to resource – and why not? There is so much to discover, and it’s all at the click of a button. While the web’s scope and open access provides children with freedom to learn, it also makes them vulnerable. Though the Internet is an excellent aid in the education of children, it must be navigated smartly and safely. For this reason, Langmobile has compiled a list of tips for Online Safety, as well as a list of resources for parents who wish to learn more about keeping children safe online.
Online Safety Tips for Kids
- Spend time having fun with your parents online and helping them understand technology!
- Never post your personal information, such as a cell phone number, home number, home address, or your location on any social networking site or through mobile apps like Snapchat or Instagram.
- Never meet in person with anyone you first “met” on the internet. If someone asks to meet you, tell your parents or guardian right away. Some people may not be who they say they are.
- Check with your parents before you post pictures of yourself or others online. Do not post inappropriate pictures of anyone.
- Never respond to mean or rude texts, messages, and emails. Delete any unwanted messages. You may need to delete friends who continuously bother you or post things that are not appropriate.
- NEVER share your password with anyone, including your best friend. The only people who should know your password are your parents or guardian.
- If you wouldn’t say something to another person’s face, don’t text it or post it online.
- Do not download or install software or anything on your computer or cell phone before checking with your parents or guardian.
- Use the privacy settings of social networking sites.
- If anything makes you feel uncomfortable online, while gaming or when using your cell phone, talk with your parents or guardian right away.
Online Safety Tips for Parents
- Keep the household computer or laptop in a high-traffic area at home.
- Remember that Internet technology exists on cell phones and other mobile devices. If your child has one of these devices, the same online safety rules apply.
- Show interest in your child’s online activity and have them show you what they like to do online.
- Set the parameters of your child’s online activity – are any websites off limits? for how long can your child be online each day?
- Establish rules regarding social networking, instant messaging, online gaming, chatting, emailing, and the use of webcams.
- Regularly check-in with your child regarding their online presence and talk about online safety.
Start a Dialogue about online safety
Some questions to ask:
What are your favourite things to do online?
Who do you talk to online?
What is personal information? Why should you keep it private?
What would you do if someone online asked to meet you face-to-face?
Besides me, who do you feel that you can talk to if you are in a scary or uncomfortable situation?
Other Online Safety Resources
Get Cyber Safe is the Government of Canada’s cyber awareness campaign.
Be Web Aware is a national, bilingual public education program on Internet safety.
Operated by the Canadian Society for Child Protection, is Canada’s tipline for reporting the online sexual exploitation of children.
The Canadian Red Cross provides information for protecting kids’ safety online.
Online Safety Tips from the Montreal Police Service