Read to Succeed
Read to teach your child the love of learning.
We all want our children to be successful. We want them to be more successful than we are. Would you believe that to read to them is the key. I have spent the last 12 years working with children and I have come to the conclusion that if you want your child to succeed you have to read with them. The very principle of our school is based in the Social interactionist theory of learning. No matter what you teach you have to do it by creating an emotional experience that connects the child to the contents. Reading does that for any and all subjects you may like to teach your child about.
Here are are 8 points to consider when you read with your child.
1. Always be enthusiastic to read with your child. Express your enthusiasm over books.
2. Create a routine to read with your child.
3. Use an animated voice when you read with your child. Bring the story to life.
4. Encourage interaction. Identify the word -THE- or the article -A- and prompt your child to say it every time it is seen in the story.
5. Name objects around you all the time. For example ask What’s that? What’s this ? Especially objects you may have read a book about. create the lien with the book you read and the object.
6. Identify letters in your world. Create a game of finding the alphabet.
7. Read the same book 100 times if your child wants you to.
8. Teach them a second language.
What is the right age to learn another language?
It our opinion at Langmobile we think it is NEVER too young to start exposing your children to a foreign language. We have services for children that are 6 months old in daycares and preschools. Our English immersion summer camp invites children to participate 4-14 years old. If you are unable to participate in our services you can still enjoy the Langmobile method at home by downloading Kids Learning Languages on iTunes. It is free for a limited time!