2 ways to Make Learning Easier! Repetition & Positive Reinforcement

Education By Rosslyn Sinclair
la renforcement eet la repetition positive dans la vie des enfants

Positive behavioral intervention strategies such as reinforcement, prompting, and multiple repetitions are effective when teaching children and ensuring they learn the right behavior and skills.

Creating a space where children can practice repeating words or phrases multiple times will imprint into their memory. Repetition strengthens the neural connections responsible for learning new information and behaviors more quickly, in addition, practicing and focusing on a few new skills can also have a powerful impact on self-confidence for children.

This ensures that learning new skills and concepts are less complex and more easily mastered within a shorter amount of time.

Mastering new skills in a shorter amount of time will motivate children to enjoy the learning process because the results are more quickly achievable! This positive result of learning, will ensure children build upon their skills on a consistent basis. 

Traditionally, punishment has been used as a means to prevent children from making mistakes. However, positive reinforcement has been proven to be more effective to steer children towards good practices and behavior, which in turn prevents them from steering towards the bad. 

Positive reinforcement is the perfect incentive for students to repeat desired behaviors. it should be genuine, and awarded right after the target behavior. As a result, a student who experiences positive reinforcement often shows a greater willingness to demonstrate the positive behavior. This can be achieved through- social, activity-based and tangible reinforcers.

Social reinforcers –  They involve an expression of approval and praise for appropriate behavior such as comments, written approval or positive body language such as clapping, nodding of the head, a thumbs up etc.

It is also important to note- how parents communicate and speak to their children, ultimately determines their “internal voices” as they develop. Therefore positive reinforcement and encouragement is a healthier inner monologue for a child to develop alongside of.

Activity reinforcers – these involve allowing students to take part in their preferred activities if they behave appropriately. Such as sports, games, tv shows and many more! If a child knows that they can engage in a hobby they enjoy based on good behavior, it encourages children to explore more hobbies and develop new skills elsewhere while mastering the target skill or behavior they were working on in the first place!

Tangible reinforcers are food (treats), toys, balloons, stickers, and awards etc. These could be a child’s favorite food, toy, object that they appreciate having possession of after behaving well!

Therefore, using a combination of all the above reinforcers, would be most effective when children are learning.

Repetition and positive reinforcement are commonly used to as Intervention Strategies.

What are intervention strategies?

They are extremely powerful tools used typically in a educational settings such as elementary schools. Intervention strategies are  often used for a  targeted teaching and are typically conducted in small groups or one-to-one settings. They are designed to address a students’ learning by focusing on specific areas, such as attention or behavior.

These strategies can be used in a home environment as well and as parents are a Childs first teacher, interventions can have a tremendously positive impact on  the learning process.

Intervention techniques are considered vital in helping children reach their potential especially if they are done with a positive loving tone, Repeating rules, expectations can help reinforce boundaries, Boundaries make children feel safe.

Thus learning in a safe loving environment optimizes a Childs performance. encourage this behavior amongst peers teaches moral skill essential to succeeding on a group.

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