We Learn Every Day

Hi again, this is Meagan writing back to you from Langmobile. Where we always learn!
Welcome to week 4 of our English immersion summer camp where to learn is to have fun FUN fun!
This blog is a BONUS blog. It will be a bit different from my last 2 blogs Kids learning English in Saint Lambert and Saint Bruno and More than an English Immersion Daycamp because I am going to write about how funny it is to work in the same school as I went to and I am also going to write about my family and how they make me better with the kids.
After 22 years ago, I cannot believe I am working in the same elementary school that I attended. When I was 15 years old Nicole hired me for a support position it was awesome. It was my first experience in the workforce and working with the kids.
The differences from being a kid until now is that I am wiser ( I like to think I am:) I believe it is never too late to grow in life and learn. This attitude makes me a big helper with the other teachers who need another pair of eyes to supervise the kids. I really like helping out other teachers, it makes me feel like a part of something special and I know I am making a difference.
I love to learn! That is why I feel good about being at Langmobile where everyone wants to learn. It is never too late to learn in life.
Since I started at Langmobile I have gained a lot of experiences working with the kids. I keep pushing myself to go far and to succeed. I want to take a moment and mention that without the support of my family, I would not be here, helping and having fun with the kids.
Just seeing those kids’ smiles starts off my day.
My Family
Without my parents I would not have been here today, writing to you, my parents taught me to be who you are and to follow your passion, this is my passion, working the kids and writing. My parents made me the person that I am today, I just want to say a big THANK YOU TO MY PARENTS WHO ALWAYS BELIEVED IN ME!!
My old school
When I came to St. Lambert Elementary I was scared and happy all at the same time, I also felt like a student who is always ready to learn. When I was in Kindergaten I had Miss Kathy Barry, I really liked her, and she was an inspiration. I was held back a grade because of my disability which is normal for any kid who has a disability, but I can tell you one thing right now, any kid who has an intellectual disability deserves an education and I was one of them. Disability or not we are all equal in our desire to learn! At Saint Lambert elementary school I never felt judged or different because of my disability. That was because of the great teachers I had. I also think about the principle. Enzo Di Ioia. He was fair with me and treated me as the other kids which made me feel like I belonged. Speaking as a young adult with a disability, we do not want any special treatment we just want equal treatment.
My work
I work with so many good people here at Langmobile it reminds me of the team at Saint Lambert Elementary school. Last year in 2014 ( see the picture above) there were some wonderful people who showed me a lot. Taylor and Donnub, who are not back this year, Nikita Who is back this year Yahoo!
This year the team is very good too. The whole team here is fair. Madison, Maggie, Alizeh, Nikita, Nikki, Adam, Gillian, (in the picture to the left with me) Amanda, Josh and the assistants Alex and Jessica and the coordinator Doug and the owners of Langmobile Johanne and Nicole, I consider them all my friends.
Langmobile is a great place and you should learn more about the fun things that they do in their programs.